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Urban or Graffiti/Street Art is art that is related to cities and city life , often the Artist’s of these styles will live or have a passion for city life, but nowaday’s these terms are often used to summarize all visual art forms that arise in Urban areas . there main inspiration comes from modern architecture and creative feelings present in urban lifestyles. Urban Artist’s often work in public spaces , but these day’s they can go from traditional street to formal space gallery’s in the blink or an eye. So from wall to canvas at the drop of a hat. This style of art has become an International art form, with many of the artist’s well travelled and with many global contacts . this new form of urban art stems from the initial ground roots of Graffiti culture . Urban artist’s are now using  more traditional media , but still using subject matter that deals with contemporary urban culture and political issues , basicly the Urban Art Scene is now popular main street culture. 



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A Brief History/ The Artists :

Vorticism was invented by Wyndham Lewis , other contributing artists to note were Edward Wadsworth and David Bomberg. ( photos of canvases etc.) 
